Girl Rising: A Movie Review
There is always something about documentaries that really touches me every time I watch them. Probably because it talks about real stories and comments from actual events and people involved.
Watching the documentary ‘Girl Rising’ truly moved me. The film has so much power and determination to change the world by educating girls. It is one of the best documentaries I have seen. And it’s perfect for women’s month celebration. The film doesn’t make you cry, it just makes you realize that a girl has immense power to be an advocate of change through education. An educated girl moves economies, as the movie emphasizes.
I like the way the documentary is presented. It highlights the stories of nine girls from nine different countries, each of them pursuing their dream of getting good education. You can see how they longed to be in school regardless of their situation. No money issues, cultural issues or other potential social problems can prevent them from attending school, and watching them is just so inspiring. And so, after watching it, I got to tell myself that I am just so lucky to be raised by parents who sent me to a good school.
I especially like the choice of narrators: Oscar awardees Cate Blanchett and Meryl Streep, Disney icon Selena Gomez, and popular actress Anne Hathaway, among others. Their voices kept me engaged throughout the entire documentary.
Of all the nine girls’ stories, Wadley’s story was what amused me the most. Born and raised in Haiti, Wadley, about nine years old, was exposed too early in life to tragic circumstance when a high-magnitude earthquake badly hit Haiti. She had fun in school until an unfortunate event caused her to stop her education. Wadley’s mom can no longer afford to send her to a makeshift learning center but that didn’t stop her from attending the class, despite being shooed away by the teacher for not paying school tuition. The cutest part was being insistent in staying, almost to the point of arguing with her teacher, until she won. Now that’s a brave little girl!
Girl Rising is more like a movement than just simply telling stories of girls and their determination towards good education. It is a campaign to encourage girls all over the world to become empowered through education in order to help make a good change in their societies.
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